"Doctors pour drugs of which they know little-to cure diseases of which they know less-into human beings of which they know nothing."
"I have endeavored to show that medicine is of no real help to humanity and that it is injurious to all mankind."
"From inability to let well enough alone; from too much zeal for the new and contempt for what is old; from putting knowledge before wisdom, science before art, cleverness before common sense, from treating patients as cases, from making the cure of the disease more grievous than the endurance of same, good lord deliver us."
Sir Robert Hutchinson British Radiologist 1953
"The greater our knowledge increase the more our ignorance unfolds" -John F Kennedy |
The First Supper Raw Classes and wellness center got it's start a long time ago. Chris started THE BEST WEIGH thirty years ago after going to the NAMSBY convention at the New York Coliseum for the last time. He created Fitness Fashions "Customized Clothes For The Fit." Out of the corner of his eye he spied the adjoining SGMA convention (Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association) which was huge. He had always been thin, underdeveloped and un-athletic, so he had began working out. His first workout was at the library not the health spa, which was a smart move since 95% of people training in what are now called gyms are going though the motions but never really getting in shape as they "eat soup with a fork", a phrase that Chris later coined.
Chris discovered that the majority of the fitness equipment was not biomechanically correct and that most of it was injurious at worst and a waste of time at best. So few people train hard enough or stick with it long enough to notice. So he decided to create a company to help his friends and all those that he knew to obtain the best equipment, not simply the most advertised. He had to open a showroom on Long Island to do this and "go commercial" which he despised. Chris displayed his first equipment discovery - a company from California (Most fitness stores at the time refused to carry equipment form The east coast due to high freight costs, which Chris ended up "eating" in order to provide better quality at an competitive price anyway!) at the Nassau Coliseum Fitness Show. His booth was right next door to Universal, a popular but lower quality product. Without any experience Chris sold 14 full gyms that weekend. Universal sold three. The show was cancelled the next year. Chris tends to excel in situations where others do poorly. That is why his motivational and educational seminars and training are so loved by his loyal clients.)
He opened a bigger store, two floors, and warehouse a few years later. He spent a lot of time educating his customers. His showroom, THE ULTIMATE FITNESS LONGEVITY CENTER in Jericho and THE HOME GYM CENTER in Hicksville were known as "Long Island's Educational Fitness Store."
Only the best equipment was represented. Not necessarily the most expensive. Chris learned that the majority of the popular equipment put most of the money into advertising and not the product. He created the DON"T JUST DO IT DO IT RIGHT seminar and workshop that not only educated potential home and corporate gym buyers but gave them a group discount.
But people needed more. They wanted instruction on how to workout. So Chris became PFS certified at the Ken Cooper Clinic where he was taught the American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines. The certification looks good next to your name but Chris had already gained more experience than was necessary.
Soon Chris was teaching his clients efficient fitness, low back rehab for fitness, how to rehabilitate your runners-injured knees, how to cook vegan food that is delicious and nutritious, and most important: how to look and perform like an athlete while training efficiently in 90 minutes per week. Body composition was the key- not how much you weighed. Fat to lean percentage,or your best weight was what Chris focused on. THE ULTIMATE FITNESS LONGEVITY CENTER became THE BEST WEIGH.
Chris noticed that his clients were not getting half the fitness and health results that he was. Chris was not born athletic. He had very poor genetics for weight lifting and building muscle to begin with. Gaining weight was "impossible." But he was able to go from 133 at 6 ft tall to 212 at the same height and decrease his waist from 33 to 32... which illustrates just what transformation hard work and dedication can accomplish. And it was a tremendous achievement. Few people can do this without steroids. Chris never even drank coffee or relied on the popular protein shakes. He ate real food.
His clients were not enjoying popular diets. They complained about being tired all the time...they suffered from colds, flu, rashes, cramps, stomach aches, headaches- they were always sick with "something." Chris suffered too when he ate the way they did ... the SAD - Standard American Diet. But then he changed from vegan to raw in 1999, created a delicious convenient diet as as result of years of trial, error, research and experience. Luckily is bodybuilding background plus continental taste buds (thanks to his dad) provided strict standards for the food he learned how to make.
He virtually eliminated all those "maladies" by 99.9%.Everyone saw this next transformation- this time it was more than just fat to lean body composition. Now it meant health on a cellular level. That was the real Best Weigh.This time it was significant. Here we go again!. Once again Chris was asked by everyone to show them how to shop, and how to prepare food that was convenient, delicious and ACTUALLY healthy. Alas,"Healthy" is such a loose term-- even Boars Head brand claims that they are "healthy!" Best Weigh Raw is the result of ten years of pitting human fuel against human performance. The Best Weigh Fitness Facility has always been the physical proving ground for the Best Weigh Kitchen. The First Supper Raw Program, the Qui Si Sana plan- was tested again again- year in year out, as strength and cardiovascular levels were tested over and over. It was certain. A proper raw vegan diet of nothing but whole fresh, raw fruits, greens, vegetable and some nuts and seeds created the greatest health and fitness that was difficult to deny. It was significantly measurable. Even doctors and nutritionists could not believe the results that Chris was getting with his clients.
NOW Everyone can benefit with The First Supper Raw Classes and seminars. There are no more excuses. One taste and you will have started a process that will change your life beyond your wildest expectations. Effortless fat loss. Strength and genuine muscle gains. 100-300% cardiovascular increases are typical without exercise! No more suffering from colds and flu. The list goes on. These are but a few of the results that people who have come to classes and changed their lives claim.
"He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medicines."
-Benjamin Franklin
"The only source of knowledge is experience."
–Albert Einstein
FYI: Chris' grandfather painted Einstein's portrait. Chris has a letter from Einstein thanking him for the work.
| In recognizing many years ago the problems surrounding diet dogma, fitness fallacies, nutritional nonsense and medical myths, I formed what is called THE BEST WEIGH to provide the best education and facilitation for my clients. Because of my continuing dissatisfaction with the caliber of so called trainers and exercise "experts", nutritionists, doctors and natural doctors, as well as the immense volume of misleading information about these subjects , I learned that if you are going to do it right, you must do it yourself. I have worked diligently for 30 years to incorporate into THE BEST WEIGH program every experience that myself, my friends, my family, and my clients have ever encountered, so that future clients will never suffer the same problems.
Your lifestyle (PRIMARILY what you eat ) and what you do 24 hours a day seven days a week ultimately determines whether or not you will live out your genetic potential in the most productive and enjoyable way. Suffering is not the way of life. Or death. That is the main myth perpetuated by the medical industry. It is not natural or normal to suffer or "contract" any chronic disease. These dis-eases do not fall out of a tree and "get you." You must earn them by what you do 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Losing weight does NOT center around exercise. If you believe that then you also believe that the best way to get to New York City from New Jersey is via California. Sure it will work. But it is much better to go directly there. Exercise can burn calories and intense weight training done PROPERLY AND PROGRESSIVELY to build muscle mass in the large muscle groups will contribute to a faster more efficient metabolism.
But Nothing compares to eating less. NOTHING. The results are ten times greater than doing exorbitant exercise. If you want the secret right NOW that will make you lose more weight in the next 30 days than in the past three (or more) years on any diet that you have tried (or will try without permanent success) it is this: Cut your dinner in half. Do it for 30 days. I dare you. I'll bet you will never do it. If you DO then you will become highly enlightened PLUS extreme amused with the diet industry. But few people have the courage to break out of the herd. They are brainwashed into thinking that they have to "take something" or that this is complicated. Ha ha ha... Don't even wake them up...they are in a deep "sleep."
Once you finally eat less you will find that your body needs more nutrition; that what you were eating was empty calories, so that when you eat less you feel worse. Not so when you eat well. Enter THE BEST WEIGH. Once your body gets this REAL nutrition (not pills powders or gimmicks that your mind likes but your body does not recognize and cannot utilize), you will no longer have any cravings.
You will discover for the first time in your life the beauty, simplicity, and amazing energy that you have been lacking. The fringe benefit is that your body will look its best as you feel your best and no longer suffer from hunger, fatigue, colds, flu (oh yes) , allergies, and all the other so-called "normal" maladies that most people suffer from.
It is a process. It is a program. It has to be taught by someone who has gone before. Chris Califano is such a person. He does not just talk the talk- he walks the walk. Most "professionals" and experts today have read books only. Or gone to school only. But as Albert Einstein said, "The only source of knowledge is experience."
The best results are simple. Proven. Your body can not be deceived. But your mind can! THE BEST WEIGH gives you at the very first inexpensive seminar- a tremendous SECRET that you can try for a week- and you will see such fantastic benefit to your health (more than any doctor or nutritionist or diet or health product ever have you) that you will know that this is program is superior and genuine. It will be so obvious to you. And it costs about the same as a bagel and coffee. So you cannot go wrong. It is truly amazing that so much can be offered for so little.
YOU ARE IN TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH. Do not be brainwashed into believing that "genetics" are the judge, jury and executioner. The facts are the facts. Get them. Attend the next BEST WEIGH SEMINAR. It will change your life beyond your wildest expectations. You have finally found genuine health. Not commercial health or marketing mumbo - jumbo.
Results ARE typical. Ever see those diet and fitness ads and the small print says "Results not typical?" Call (516) 759-2606 and begin living the life that you were promised. Health is not the icing on the cake. It is the whole cake. Discover how to bake it right once and for all.
All food prepared & shot by Chris Califano |
"Chris, your knowledge of physiology is outstanding and your genuine interest in each client is obvious." –Robert Baker, MD, gastroenterologist